Carrington Lighting is pleased to offer our customers free shipping on orders over $99.00 (Some exclusions apply. Click here for details).
Carrington Lighting wants to ensure that you are happy with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may
return it within 30 days of receipt for a full refund. To learn more about our return policy or to start a return, click here.
Ships within 8 - 10 business days
This item is currently in stock in the US. Duty and brokerage fees are imposed on all products that cross the US-CAN border. To ensure these fees are not passed on to the customer and to allow for free shipping on this brand, we receive orders from this company every other week to our Canadian warehouse. This item is estimated to ship out of our warehouse in 12 – 14 business days. To determine the approximate shipping arrival time, please refer to our Estimated Arrival Time page or contact Customer Care.
Carrington Lighting is pleased to offer our customers free shipping on orders over $79.00 (Some exclusions apply. Click here for details).
Carrington Lighting wants to ensure that you are happy with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may
return it within 30 days of receipt for a full refund. To learn more about our return policy or to start a return, click here.